These are a Few of My…


  1. Angels In America
  2. Waiting For Godot
  3. No Exit
  4. Long Day’s Journey Into Night
  5. The Glass Menagerie
  6. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
  7. Jeffrey
  8. August: Osage County
  9. Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
  10. Elizabeth Rex
  11. Equus


  1. Hometowns; John Preston
  2. The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay; Michael Chabon
  3. To Kill A Mockingbird; Harper Lee
  4. Middlesex; Jeffrey Eugenides


  1. Cabaret
  2. A Clockwork Orange
  3. Gone With the Wind
  4. Chinatown


  1. The Secret Garden
  2. Gypsy
  3. Company


  1. Funny Lady – the movie
  2. Thoroughly Modern Millie
  3. The Pirates of Penzance – the movie

In this space I look forward compiling lists of Favorites that stand the test of time. In hopes of avoiding the predictable trap of focusing disproportionately on more recent experiences so I am not going to populate this page with content immediately. I’ll add things as I remember them or encounter them.

Like most (hopefully all) people, my tastes change and evolve. Things I thought were hysterically funny at age 15 may not provoke a smile at 50+. Music and lyrics that seemed so deep and profound on those late nights in the dorm room may seem simple and trite after years of daylight.

If <insert your favorite here> does not appear on a list I’d love to hear about it. I may not have experienced it yet. I may have experienced it but your insight might help me see it in a new light. It might be one of my favorites as well but I simply forgot about it when compiling the list. Or I may just not see in it the same things you do.

Of course my taste, or lack thereof, is not the only driver. Some things will make a list, independent of their intrinsic quality, because of the associations they hold for me or memories they evoke. Others are important because they entered my life at a time when, for whatever reason, I was most receptive to them.

I’ll also be populating a list of “Guilty Pleasures”; where I have heard all the critique, probably agree and still count the subject as one of my favorites for one reason or another.

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