These are a Few of My…


  1. Angels In America
  2. Waiting For Godot
  3. No Exit
  4. Long Day’s Journey Into Night
  5. The Glass Menagerie
  6. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
  7. Jeffrey
  8. August: Osage County
  9. Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
  10. Elizabeth Rex
  11. Equus


  1. Hometowns; John Preston
  2. The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay; Michael Chabon
  3. To Kill A Mockingbird; Harper Lee
  4. Middlesex; Jeffrey Eugenides


  1. Cabaret
  2. A Clockwork Orange
  3. Gone With the Wind
  4. Chinatown


  1. The Secret Garden
  2. Gypsy
  3. Company


  1. Funny Lady – the movie
  2. Thoroughly Modern Millie
  3. The Pirates of Penzance – the movie
  4. Dogma
  5. Drop Dead Gorgeous

In this space I look forward compiling lists of Favorites that stand the test of time. In hopes of avoiding the predictable trap of focusing disproportionately on more recent experiences so I am not going to populate this page with content immediately. I’ll add things as I remember them or encounter them.

Like most (hopefully all) people, my tastes change and evolve. Things I thought were hysterically funny at age 15 may not provoke a smile at 50+. Music and lyrics that seemed so deep and profound on those late nights in the dorm room may seem simple and trite after years of daylight.

If <insert your favorite here> does not appear on a list I’d love to hear about it. I may not have experienced it yet. I may have experienced it but your insight might help me see it in a new light. It might be one of my favorites as well but I simply forgot about it when compiling the list. Or I may just not see in it the same things you do.

Of course my taste, or lack thereof,  is not the only driver. Some things will make a list, independent of their intrinsic quality, because of the associations they hold for me or memories they evoke. Others are important because they entered my life at a time when, for whatever reason, I was most receptive to them.

I’ll also be populating a list of “Guilty Pleasures”; where I have heard all the critique, probably agree and still count the subject as one of my favorites for one reason or another.

One comment on “These are a Few of My…

  1. My favorite series, not just one book, is the Death Series by J.D. Robb. It is set in the future and all the things mentioned, seem not only totally possible, but on the verge of actually happening.

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