11 comments on “Wicked and Miserable

  1. When I read about this on H.O.D.’s blog, I was trying without success to come up with some clever thing to say about Defying Gravity, but I never thought of projectile vomiting. Glad you both survived the ordeal.

  2. Oh my gosh! We now know that it was far worse even than the poor sufferer, from his own account, would have had us believe. How extremely unsettling (if you’ll pardon the expression!) I dare say that for at least one of you, probably both, listening to a recording of the show will from now on have the most unwholesome associations.

    Btw: I’ve never heard, let alone seen, the show. It increasingly seems that familiarity with it is more or less compulsory now.
    And I agree with you entirely about the unique value of a theatrical experience, whether the production is good, poor or indifferent. It’s the simultaneous complicity between players and audience that is unlike any other medium, with all the theatrical conceits accepted without question – (well, sometimes). Very few theatre shows – musicals, dramas or whatever – when translated to the cinema screen surpass or even equal the experience of witnessing it being performed live.

  3. Glad you escaped and hope he is feeling better. You know a good shrink who might be able to help with “The only lingering effect of the evening is there is now a vague association in my mind between “Defying Gravity” and projectile vomiting.”

  4. Sorry that you weren’t able to enjoy the play. Sometimes all you can say is “Hasa Diga Eebowai” and hope that the bad associations fade away after a while.

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